Overcharged For Airport Parking Due To Ash Cloud? You May Be Able To Claim Money Back!

If you are one of the thousands of holidaymakers in the UK who have had their holiday unwillingly delayed or extended by the ash cloud chaos then you may be pleased to know there seems to be some positive news on the horizon. Many tourists who had traveled to Europe have had their flights delayed or canceled over the last few weeks due to the large cloud of ash across European airways - and have therefore found themselves stranded at various cities and airports across the continent.
Many UK holidaymakers have understandably raised concerns that as they were forced to remain in their holiday destination for an extended period, they are now facing extra costs for their airport parking services which they would otherwise had not incurred had their flights not been delayed. However, there is some good news to report – as some London airport parking providers are reportedly willing to waive any excess charges incurred due to flight delay or curtailment.
Gatwick airport parking services for example have already confirmed they will not charge any additional costs for those who have been affected by the ash cloud - and have also taken the time to get in contact with thousands of UK holidaymakers who are still stuck abroad requesting their expected renewed arrival dates in order to help plan ahead for such difficulties. This new will no doubt come as a great relief for many UK tourists still stuck at various holiday destinations in Europe. If you are unsure as to whether you will be charged it is generally best to contact your parking provider to find out the details of their policy.


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