Travel by Twitter... but first, an intro to Twitter, or, what Twitter means to you

@littlecharva: SMS is whispering privately to a mate in a pub. Twitter is speaking loud enough for everyone to hear and including them in the conversation.
@rbourne: A community of thoughts, news and emotions mixed together to create an addictive service for one and all.
@markiina: Pretentious, I know, but to me Twitter is like watching the Tower of Babel being rebuilt, pebble by pebble.
@hydie: Twitter is people watching extreme!
@RachelSMorris: Twitter is like legalised stalking! making friends with strangers, sharing lives, connecting.
@brewster_d: My favourite waste of time. Random thought collector. Superficial social contact provider. Work avoider
@drewellis: Twitter introduces and connects me with new, interesting, like minded people all over the world I wouldn’t normally get to meet so quickly.
@lloydiboy: Twitter is a means of giving everyone a voice. Listen hard and the opinions of millions will touch you, make you laugh or cry.
@Catboy_Dubai: Twitter not only lets you peek through ppl’s curtains like a nosy neighbour but also allows a curtain-gap for ppl to see you.
@bungalowjoe: Twitter breaks down all cultural and class boundaries and allows people to share their viewpoint on everyday life
@maketravelfair: Twitter is a globally continuous thread of conversation that keeps you current, expands your world and engages you in it.
@bskinny72: Twitter to me is a group of new friends, comic conversations I cannot have due to lack of like minded friends, a fun distraction.
@PeteMP1992: Twitter is like loads of different birds which do great things when together, such as carrying whales.
And this one, which I love, from Paul himself:
@twitchhiker: Twitter is a room full of strangers. Talk just to your friends and you’ll leave the party early. Mingle, and you’ll learn, share and grow.
So what does Twitter mean to you and how do you think it will change the way we travel?
The image? A little bar in Venice that's pretty much locals only, apart from the odd tourist or three who are using a very good guidebook, have friends in Venice, or are perhaps getting their tips from tweeps.
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