Moose Travel Network

Moose Travel Network
"Jump on the Moose bus for our legendary winter tours as we cruise BC and Alberta for some of the best snow in the continent. Moose winter tours include the cost of accommodation and lift tickets all in one great price, so the only thing you have to worry about is getting yourself down the hill. Join backpackers from all around the world as they explore resorts such as Whistler, Big White or Lake Louise, (to name a few) packaged with great activities like winter tubing, snowmobiling, ice skating, hockey games, curling and dog sledding.
Our Westcoast Powder tour packages Whistler, Big White and Silverstar in an awesome 8 day adventure, that allows you to start or finish in Banff or Vancouver. Jump on the bus and make the most of Western BC and make some great friends from all over the world. Our Rocky Rager tour also features 5 days of skiing/snow boarding, but this time in the legendary Rocky Mountains where we visit: Sunshine, Lake Louise, Kicking Horse and Fernie. If that’s not enough combine both of these epic snow experiences in the Big Kahuna 14-16 day pass that takes in both the Rocky Rager and the Westcoast Powder. Never before has a tour been created that allows such a wide variety of snow and ski conditions! Jump on the Moose bus and see Canada like you’ve never imagined.
Check us out on Facebook to hook up with past or upcoming passengers. Check out our website as well and peruse some of our (slightly warmer) summer adventures! Happy travels! "
Moose winter slide show on YouTube! |
Feature of the week, Jan. 18th to Jan. 25th, 2009
Submitted by Kennedy Jones
Backpackers Hostels Canada

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