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Every now and then I discover that a story we've published or a photo that Terry or I have shot has been copied from my blog or from a website it has legitimately appeared on (i.e. a website we've sold it to) and been used elsewhere. This has been increasingly happening lately. You know who you are. Essentially, copying photos and text without permission is theft, so you are stealing my content and it's illegal. I'm confident my regular readers know this, but for those who don't: copying a photo or text from a blog or website to use on your own blog or site is not okay and you need to learn about copyright. As a full time professional travel writer, I make my living from selling the words and images I create, so essentially by stealing my content you're depriving me of income. There are two other considerations: 1) years ago I started a PhD on the connections between travel and film and their inspirational abilities, and occasionally reflections on those ideas appear on this blog, so when I resume the degree they'll be transferred to that project; 2) Terry and I are writing a book about our 2.5 years (so far) living out of our suitcases and some of these posts and images are likely to appear in that book. Either way, it wouldn't look good to be plagiarizing content that will be published in books. So, if you want to use text or photos that appear on COOL TRAVEL GUIDE, please email or leave a comment so we can first discuss usage and payment. Obviously, fellow bloggers writing about one of my posts and linking to me can certainly use an image to accompany the post, but please don't permanently place the photo on your banner or elsewhere on your blog as one travel site recently did. Thanks for reading!
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